12 Days of Xmas Quiz Question : Day 9/ 12

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12 Days of Xmas Quiz Question : Day 9/ 12

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Langstone Legends, Rachel and Tim are organising another regatta. There are lots of entries.

A new club, registered as, ECOSWAN MYTH Rowing Club. has turned up with some very smart looking Celtics.

Rachel is registering their boats for the Ladies and Ladies Open. Their boats are called;

HPIP  and

Curious, Tim is trying to work out the relevance of the boat names and the club so he asks their captain. She smiles and replies, “it’s all in the name”. He laughs knowingly…clever.

Q9. What is , “all in the name “?…other than the answer!

Cmon you Cutters! keep pulling, the finishing line beckons. this is a marathon not a sprint..fuel up and take plenty of fluids…mulled wine and mince pies should get you there.

See you on the virtual water tomorrow.