20 Years Celebration Row

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20 Years Celebration Row

Colin McPhee
Dear Happy Cutters

I am happy to take all the credit for the weather on Saturday . It was all planned to give a little sun, a little rain with a smattering of hail providing a varying range of sea state from a flat calm to a little chop at Emsworth Sailing Club. It would not have been the same if it had been a flat calm and sunshine!!

Thanks to all that came along . It was good to see so many smiling faces even though the organising left a few last minute changes .It was a pleasure to arrange and thanks to everyone for fitting in . To get 9 boats on the water with 44 members was really great and a credit to the Cutters . ( Thanks to Mike, Chris and Sadie for loaning their boats)

From all the £5 collected we covered the food and a tip with £30 left over for Rachel's Mellon Charity

Thanks to Tony at the Royal Oak for his support. Tony seems to be making a real go of the Royal Oak so we need to support him where we can

Best Wishes
