25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

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25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Michael Gilbert
Big thanks to Matty, Lesley, Michael, and all the Committee and other members who contributed to a wonderful reunion day... Many memories revisited; friendships re-connected; and musings of fun and adventures...

The Oak did well and the sun shone!!

Thank You... !!!

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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

A thank you from the Eastney crew ....

Thanks for having us at 25th year Salute to Gladys.
We thoroughly enjoyed it including the hog roast lunch to boot!
See you at next race events including our CC2024 on 28th Sept.
Thank you and LCRC again.
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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Thank you to everyone involved in organising Sunday and to Steve and Ally for all the work they put in to the photo books. I really enjoyed the party and it was lovely to catch up with so many people. X
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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Jo Beardsall
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Yes thank you to the organisers for such a wonderful celebration.We could see how much effort you had put in. It was very much appreciated and lovely to see the history of the club. Jo and Rich
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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
What a lovely day it was. It was really good to meet past members who began the LCRC story, without whom we wouldn't be where we are today.

It was an emotional moment when the Gladys launch was recreated with Geoff Schilling (cox), Marilyn Rogers, Chris Ellis, Nigel Armstrong  and Ian Mclennan.

I would like to thank everyone who came to make the day a success and the 'Cutters crew' who turned up to help with the decorations in the pub and boatyard before and after. It showed what a team we are when we do it together.

Some special thanks to

Matt who took the lead on such a memorable and successful event including the committee for their support.

Steve & Ally who spent hours with me going through the photos and producing a high quality commemorative photo book as well as printing the digital photos. We now have a whole library of photos that go back to 1999.

Kay, Pam & Vince who gave a lot of their time the day before to help produce the photo displays & balloons.

Julie A for delivering the displays to the event.

Marion for producing the beautiful banner and blue/white bunting for the boat park.

Mike G and Chris Ellis for providing a lot of the memorabilia for people to look at and read about some of the history.

Sue L for providing support to me and loan of items to be used on the day.

Gig club for letting me borrow their bunting for the pub.

My sister for the red wristbands and display easels.

Thank you.
Lesley G X

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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Julie A
In reply to this post by Michael Gilbert
Thanks to all who worked hard to make this possible. A lovely event for all members, past and present x
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Re: 25th PartyThank You to the Organisers and Contributors

Thanks to everyone involved, what a lot of work you all done to put on such a great event .
 Nothing was forgotten, ran smoothly, best event with great turn out
Also to the royal oak what a great job , feeding so many
Even organising the sun 🌞 to shine perfect
Maybe do it Every year as Matt you might be the only one to see 50th ??   😅😅