5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

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5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Had a lovely catch up with Shelley tonight and we were chatting about her doing race for life 5k in Portsmouth on 19 July. Thought would be great to get a good bunch of us there with her.

The details are on her Facebook but also for ease you can register at race for life website and join shellz pals group ID AY4477 as part of the registration.

I signed up last night, who else is with us.....
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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July


Hi Eithne
Count me and my daughter Laura in
I will try and register this eve.

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

---- Eithne [via Langstone Cutters RC] wrote ----

Had a lovely catch up with Shelley tonight and we were chatting about her doing race for life 5k in Portsmouth on 19 July. Thought would be great to get a good bunch of us there with her.

The details are on her Facebook but also for ease you can register at race for life website and join shellz pals group ID AY4477 as part of the registration.

I signed up last night, who else is with us.....

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Thnks for this post Eithne and thank you Jen for joining us!!

I've got a group called Shellz Pals (Group ID AY4477) set up that you can join or just sign up independently.

If you've not done it yet, here's the link:

It's going to be a memorable day.

Shel x

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Shelly, I have a family party at our house that day so can't make it but I will be thinking of you!
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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

In reply to this post by Shellz
Hi Shelley

Thanks for that, I've registered myself and Laura now. 
Look forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Jenny x

Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2015 07:51:07 -0700
From: [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Thnks for this post Eithne and thank you Jen for joining us!!

I've got a group called Shellz Pals (Group ID AY4477) set up that you can join or just sign up independently.

If you've not done it yet, here's the link:

It's going to be a memorable day.

Shel x

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Excellent news Jen. We've got a really good group coming together now, think around 10 of us.

Which leads to the "what shall we wear" question and I'm wondering if we do Cutters vests along with the obligatory pink? I'm sure we can borrow shirts for the non-rowers if we're short. I have three shirts (two vests and a t-shirt).
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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July


Yes I've got a vest for me and Lora. What pink bit shall we wear?  Xx

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

---- Shellz [via Langstone Cutters RC] wrote ----

Excellent news Jen. We've got a really good group coming together now, think around 10 of us.

Which leads to the "what shall we wear" question and I'm wondering if we do Cutters vests along with the obligatory pink? I'm sure we can borrow shirts for the non-rowers if we're short. I have three shirts (two vests and a t-shirt).

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

I've got pink floral headbands for us all as "something pink" and then found tropical print shorts in New Look (sale rack!) that go really well so grabbed a pair.

Suggest cutters vest or t-shirt and then pink bottoms or partly pink bottoms if possible and I'll bring the headbands.

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Eithne Anderson
Hey shelz pals we are meeting at 11am on Sunday at the enquiry stand. See you in the morning. X
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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

You beat me to it!! See everyone there and if I forget to say it tomorrow: THANK YOU! For your friendship and support.

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RE: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

Hi Shelley, hope it all goes well tomorrow. Sorry not to be able to join you, family visiting. Will be thinking of you all. X
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Re: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July

In reply to this post by Eithne
A massive thank you to everyone who has supported me on this challenge.

It may not be rowing to Paris, winning trophies or setting records, but it was a very emotional and surprisingly physical challenge that took more effort than I ever thought it would.

Today, two days later, I'm still feeling exhausted from the mere 5km stroll, a distance that just a few months ago would not have even been given a second thought. I seriously would not have been able to do it without my great group of friends: old friends and new friends made on the day. The cheerful chit chat and banter, making sure I was drinking, crossing that line and getting the little medal and then the comfy sit down with an ice cream at the end... the whole day was really special.

And then there's the money! Oh my! I cannot believe the amount that has been donated. It makes my eyes water when I log on and see the little counter rising up and up.

Never has a cause made me sit up so straight than Cancer Research right now. Should my current chemo fail me (I'm confident it won't!!!), my next course of action is experimental or trial drugs - those that come as a direct result of current research into cancer. So thank you and thank you again.

I wish I could express in words what I feel but I just can't, other than to just repeat again THANK YOU for everything.
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Re: 5k Race for Life with Shelley 19 July


It was a lovely day. Brilliant atmosphere and you are just amazing Shelley.
Love and best wishes xx

Sent from my Sony Xperia™ smartphone

---- Shellz [via Langstone Cutters RC] wrote ----

A massive thank you to everyone who has supported me on this challenge.

It may not be rowing to Paris, winning trophies or setting records, but it was a very emotional and surprisingly physical challenge that took more effort than I ever thought it would.

Today, two days later, I'm still feeling exhausted from the mere 5km stroll, a distance that just a few months ago would not have even been given a second thought. I seriously would not have been able to do it without my great group of friends: old friends and new friends made on the day. The cheerful chit chat and banter, making sure I was drinking, crossing that line and getting the little medal and then the comfy sit down with an ice cream at the end... the whole day was really special.

And then there's the money! Oh my! I cannot believe the amount that has been donated. It makes my eyes water when I log on and see the little counter rising up and up.

Never has a cause made me sit up so straight than Cancer Research right now. Should my current chemo fail me (I'm confident it won't!!!), my next course of action is experimental or trial drugs - those that come as a direct result of current research into cancer. So thank you and thank you again.

I wish I could express in words what I feel but I just can't, other than to just repeat again THANK YOU for everything.

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