Advice on coxing through the Bridges

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Advice on coxing through the Bridges

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Brief the crew. The boat will not steer unless it has speed so remind crew to row steadily and not pull in their oars unless instructed to do so by the cox ( within reason!)
Remember the water always runs from Chichester to Langstone.
1. Head towards Hayling Island, keep clear of moorings, then turn towards the bridge
2. Choose the gap near to the red mark on the bridge
3. Get up to speed
4. If you are getting too close to the bridge pull all the oars in. Use the butt end of oars or paddle to push off
5. Line up to go through rail bridge
6. Homeward you are against the tide. Approach the rail bridge with the green Bridge buoy well to your right. Line up on the downstream V in the water and work hard to keep boat in the middle.
7. Retrace your route don't cut corners

Geoff and Rachel