Altered start time and request for substitute leader - for SAT 18th MARCH.

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Altered start time and request for substitute leader - for SAT 18th MARCH.

NOTE. THAT IS MARCH!   I shall, unfortunately, not be available for my excursion row on the Saturday the 18th March. Is there anyone who is willing to swap a duty with me? Please let me know asap.

For information of anyone considering helping out (or indeed rowing on that day):-
    I have checked the tide times for that day and reckon that the start time for the row will be around 2-00pm, and not the 5pm noted on the Cutter's diary. I could be wrong, so make your own assessment before you commit.
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Re: Altered start time and request for substitute leader - for SAT 18th MARCH.

Andy Mac
Hi Nigel
I'm happy to take this one on and to re schedule the correct start time on the rowing calendar.
I'll pop you in the diary for a replacement date in April.
Hope all to order.

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Re: Altered start time and request for substitute leader - for SAT 18th MARCH.

Thanks, Andy