Blessing the Boats

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Blessing the Boats

Mike Gilbert
Dear Cutters, it is that time of year when the days get longer, hopefully warmer and drier; and we Cutters come out of our winter torpor and get rowing active again!

So to help us on our merry way in 2014, Les and Ann Plater have arranged for the Rev Pat Mann to come down and Bless the Boats on Sunday 30th March at around 12.00.  This joyful occasion allows us to collect our boats together, sing and pray for safe passage through the year.  Its usually followed by a bit of rowing and some members also enjoy the hospitality of the Royal Oak as well.

So come along and bring friends and family to enjoy this event.

If you are planning to bring a boat, then let me know, as all are welcome, but we need to plan using the limited beach space we have!
