Bosun's blog

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Bosun's blog

Geoff Shilling
Foot rest fixed on Bembridge. New pipe on pump but pump is old treat it carefully.
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Re: Bosun's blog

Thank you Geoff. Round IoW ladies are going to take her out Sunday morning for last outing before the actual row on Thursday so much appreciated.
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Re: Bosun's blog

Mike Gilbert
Shelley, Have a good training row today...Let me know if we have to postpone Thursday?!  

I have rearmed the jacket for Gus and left it hanging in the garage on Epona's oars. 


On 2 August 2014 22:58, Shelley [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Thank you Geoff. Round IoW ladies are going to take her out Sunday morning for last outing before the actual row on Thursday so much appreciated.

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Mike Gilbert
Langstone Adventure Rowing

+ 44 (0) 7767 350 512
+ 44 (0) 2392 451 846

"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat." Jean-Paul Sartre