CYC trophies

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CYC trophies

These 2 trophies are HUGE !!! Please advise on what to do with them?
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Re: CYC trophies

Vernon Seddon
Put them on your mantelpiece Dee, I think they are too big for the Royal Oak trophy cabinet!
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Re: CYC trophies

Haha , too big for anywhere !
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Re: CYC trophies

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Dee
The Royal Oak said if we laid them down, we could put them on the shelf in the back dining room, where some of our others are, they should just about fit and would look really good there.
However, the pub wouldn’t guarantee their safety as they are quite exposed there and nickable.
So they said they’d leave it to us to decide if we want to take the risk.