Can anyone swap a duty for 25th October?

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Can anyone swap a duty for 25th October?

Ali Copeland
Hi All - Unfortunately I can't do my assigned duty on 25th October (9.00am).  Can anyone swap with me?  I can't do the weekend of 18th October but can manage any other.  Thanks.
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Re: Can anyone swap a duty for 25th October?

Liz Hall
I could do your duty on Sunday 25th October at 9.00 if you could swap for 6th December at 11.30.  John & I are supposed to be on duty but will be away then.  I will put a separate post asking for someone else to swap as well to cover both of us.
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Re: Can anyone swap a duty for 25th October?

Ali Copeland
Hi Liz - yes I am very happy to swap 6 December with you.  Have a great holiday.