Celebrity Row Support Sunday Morning 18th January

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Celebrity Row Support Sunday Morning 18th January

Mike Gilbert
Dear Rowers, I have a Charity Client the Donna Louise Children's Trust, who have put together 2 crews for 2015 London to Paris event. Among the crew are some Celebritys and, as is often the case, they struggle to make the regular training slots.

Hugh Dennis (Comedian) lives near Emsworth and we would like to get him into an Adventure Gig, from teh Marina, for a couple of hours on Sunday Morning from say 09.30-11.30... are there any takers to help populate a boat??

Nothing in it for you but a bit of a row and a thank you from me and him!!

Let me know by replying to this...
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Re: Celebrity Row Support Sunday Morning 18th January

Chris Partridge
I can do it.
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Re: Celebrity Row Support Sunday Morning 18th January

Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Mike Gilbert
You clearly have enough giggers so I will go to open rowing instead.
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Re: Celebrity Row Support Sunday Morning 18th January

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In reply to this post by Mike Gilbert
I've obviously not seen the thread that provided "lots of giggers", but on the basis of what I see on the nabble I'd be happy to helpout. I'll probably turn up for open rowing so can confer with Chris as to whether or not to turn up.

OOPS! IGNORE THE ABOVE!     Can't do it on Sunday now that I've been told to head for the boat show at 08-30 am!