Club Rowing Sunday the 29th December 2013 07-30 - OR NOT!

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Club Rowing Sunday the 29th December 2013 07-30 - OR NOT!

Hi All,
     You may or may not have been following the thread (initiated by Aileen), but if you have you should be aware that since no one has offered to swap duties on the 29th there will now be no club beachmaster or assistants this Sunday.
 Should anyone be prepared to take on these roles I reproduce part of the details below ***(with the added comment that the weather is now forecast to be quite kind, though somewhat cool at 6 degrees, to early-morning rowers on that day).

I am at the moment in the middle of an awful lot of un-rowable water in the midlands (come to think of it, there's even more water around me now than when we were enjoying ourselves in Norwich at the Carrow Cup.) -so I hope that at least some of the club members will take the plunge and utilise our beautiful ROWABLE waters in Langstone/Chichester harbours!!!!

***The club rowing on the 29th is scheduled for 07-30 hrs (!!!)
   The time of high tide is 08-22 and the range is predicted to be 3.0 metres (HW 4.5m)    i.e. tide is nearer neaps than springs, and so   the rowing window is slightly limited -perhaps 2hrs max.
   Bearing in mind the turnout of rowers at our last 4 events starting at this hour of the morning, it is likely that even with good weather the numbers attending will be very small.
Sea temperature will be about 8.5 degrees Centigrade.
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Re: Club Rowing Sunday the 29th December 2013 07-30 - OR NOT!

Dear All

There WILL be rowing in the morning! It's the last club row of the year and the forecast is looking to be crisp and clear and fabulous! It will be cold so wear lots of layers but it should be dry.

Chris Partridge and myself are on hand as Beachmaster/Duty Rowers, plus hopefully Natalie.

Come and blow the cobwebs away with an early morning row. Get some exercise in and feel smug all day. :)