Cutters Jacket

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Cutters Jacket

Geoff Shilling
When taking my jacket off the hook I noticed another. I you have lost a cutters jacket,I have one which is not mine. No idea how or when I acquired. Give me a call and I will bring it to you. Geoff
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Re: Cutters Jacket

It's mine, Geoff.
 Lost at the pub in Emsworth last week, and I'd just about given up on getting it back! The bar staff were getting fed-up with me calling in, to see if it had been returned. Will pick it up whenever convenient.
 Missed you all yesterday - was at the marina from quarter past 1, until well gone half past and didn't spot anyone on any of the slipways. One of the marina staff near the office said he hadn't seen any gigs that lunchtime so assumed I'd got the wrong day and went home!
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Re: Cutters Jacket

Andrew B
Hi Nigel the yellow fibreglass LAR gigs are on C pontoon ( for next time ) .

You didn't miss much -  apart from the Osprey that landed on our bow for a rest. I fed it one of my sandwiches. Send you a photo, I'm sure we'll see it again.


On 28 November 2013 11:03, nigel [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
It's mine, Geoff.
 Lost at the pub in Emsworth last week, and I'd just about given up on getting it back! The bar staff were getting fed-up with me calling in, to see if it had been returned. Will pick it up whenever convenient.
 Missed you all yesterday - was at the marina from quarter past 1, until well gone half past and didn't spot anyone on any of the slipways. One of the marina staff near the office said he hadn't seen any gigs that lunchtime so assumed I'd got the wrong day and went home!

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Andrew Berry
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Re: Cutters Jacket

nigel must have got the day wrong, Andrew. I saw that Osprey leaving the harbour on Tuesday, bound for sunnier climes!!!!
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Re: Cutters Jacket

Andrew B
must have turned back - Air Traffic Controllers on strike. pls let me know when finished with map will come and collect it back - no hurry though

On 28 November 2013 11:31, nigel [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote: must have got the day wrong, Andrew. I saw that Osprey leaving the harbour on Tuesday, bound for sunnier climes!!!!

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Andrew Berry