Cutters Membership Details

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Cutters Membership Details

Damian Grounds
Banned User
Hi All,

I have recently taken on the task of being 'Membership Secretary' for the coming year and I would very much like your help in getting your contact details correctly up to date, particularly telephone, mobile and email details, as these are our main form of contact with each other outside of the forum. If anybody is currently experiencing difficulty with incorrect contact details being used, could they please let me know a.s.a.p. on my mobile (07979 597269) or via email at

Our 'Club Membership' comes up for renewal in January and I would like to try and get everybodies details up to scratch as soon as possible so nobody feels left out or frustrated by not receiving club information in a timely manner or by not being able to contact another club or committee member about something at short notice.

Looking forward to your help on this.

All the best,
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Re: Cutters Membership Details

John Chapman
Hi Damian,

I am gradually moving my e-mails to so it would help if that appeared as my address. My old one isn't web-based, so I often can't pick up messages.


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Re: Cutters Membership Details

Elaine Parkin
In reply to this post by Damian Grounds
All my details staying the same Damian, thanks