Diary date - Evening of Saturday 17th May

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Diary date - Evening of Saturday 17th May

Mike Gilbert
Dear Cutters, please note in the evening of Saturday 17th May, we have booked the Community Centre on Hayling for a special evening for all rowers and friends of rowers!

Roz Savage MBE has agreed to come along and talk about her amazing adventures in rowing solo across three Oceans - Atlantic, Pacific and Indian.  In 7 years she rowed a total of 10,600 miles and 340 days alone at sea..... Its an amazing story of personal courage and exploration, which she tells well... so put it in the diary and invite some friends as well.... proceeds will be going to the Gig Club's Boat Fund and the RNLI...

Watch this space for more details about tickets and times... but put Saturday 17th May in the diary....  
