Duty Rower - Sunday 23rd Feb

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Duty Rower - Sunday 23rd Feb

Alan Robinson
I know it's short notice but can anyone swap duty rower with me.

I'll be in Appledore with the Gig Club this weekend for a Supervets Regatta, I can do most Sundays except May 4th.
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Re: Duty Rower - Sunday 23rd Feb

Andrew B
Alan - I will do it...enjoy Appledore

On 21 February 2014 13:35, Alan Robinson [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
I know it's short notice but can anyone swap duty rower with me.

I'll be in Appledore with the Gig Club this weekend for a Supervets Regatta, I can do most Sundays except May 4th.

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Andrew Berry
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Re: Duty Rower - Sunday 23rd Feb

Alan Robinson
Thanks Andrew, I owe you one!!

Let's hope for fair weather all round.