Fatalities rowing in Holland

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Fatalities rowing in Holland

Mike Gilbert
..so you are aware, a report of 3 people drowning while rowing on a River in Arnhem is correct.

The boat was a C4 class boat (outriggers, sculled, sliding seat 4 with a cox), our dutch Skiff friends say:

"There was a very high current on the river like 8 m/sec. Eyewitnesses say they stopped rowing and, driven by the high flow, they disappeared under a moored barge. All wore a life jacket."

So it seems the open boat the open boat filled and capsized; the deaths were due to drowning and the survivors had hypothermia due to the cold fresh river water.

A reminder the sea temperature is only 9 degrees at the moment - grab bags should all have the right kit in including foil bags.. Cold shock on sudden immersion can compromise the best swimmers - let us be careful out there...
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Re: Fatalities rowing in Holland

Andy Mac
A tragic loss of life and a reminder that due care must be taken at all times on the water.