Fees, Open Call to use the boats!, open days...

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Fees, Open Call to use the boats!, open days...

Mike Gilbert
Your Committee held a convivial chat in Colin's garden yesterday to review progress since our return to rowing and of course the extension of current lockdown arrangements until July.

First of all Covid Rules have not changed... see update by Rachel... masks in use if close to people in the boat park; coxswain use masks and glasses/visor.

Secondly our Round Hayling rowing Race has been postponed to 5th September 2021...

Some other points to note are:

1. The Membership Form for new members is being updated to clarify Joining Fees and Subscriptions. We are keeping the £25 'New Members' fee for all new Members. Given our low standard rates, any new members joining from now and until the 31st August, will be asked to pay the standard  £40.00. After the 31st August, new members will be asked to pay £20.00. This is a change form the 'Pro-rata' arrangement shown on the previous form.

2. More rowing: It seems a shame to restrict midweek and weekend rows to just those we have on the Forum. So a) if the tide is IN and b) you have a crew and c) a competent cox, you can post a row and take a boat out... try to avoid crossing with the Forum based rows... but we prefer to see the warm, long days and the boats in use!

3. The Open and Improver Day was a great success and thank you for the 20+ Members who helped. We are going to do it again on Sunday 25th July from 11.00 to 14.00 - so put it in the diary and come along and have a go!
