Final details of Trafalgar night - PLEASE READ IF COMING!

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Final details of Trafalgar night - PLEASE READ IF COMING!

Matt O’Neill
Dear all,
I’m just throwing out the last minute details for Monday’s Trafalgar night celebrations.

Arrival at the Ship Inn, Langstone (PO9 1RD) is from 18:45 onwards. Car park will quickly fill up, so please car/taxi share where possible.
(Downstairs of the pub is open for quiz night still)

Dinner will be served at 19:30 sharp, so get your drinks at the downstairs bar early please!!

20:15 Michael Brown and Mike Gilbert will start speeches and Nelson’s Trafalgar toast.

20:30 (although we’re bound to be running late by that point!!)
The Selsey Shantymen will play, entertain and amuse you all….bring your best voices!!

We should be finished around 22:00 and the pub closes at 22:30.

To answer a couple of questions commonly asked of me these last couple of weeks….

There is no seating plan, please feel free to sit wherever you like and with whomever you like (doesn’t even have to be your partner!) There are 52 of us in total, so will be a packed room.
We will be moving tables to make room for the band later in the evening.

Dress code:
Black tie is traditional dress, I know some of us will coming as such, but this is not compulsory. Smart casual is acceptable.

Any problems, please shout.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
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Re: Final details of Trafalgar night - PLEASE READ IF COMING!

Matt O’Neill