Forgotten / mislaid = One black Peter storm XLarge waterproof jacket

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Forgotten / mislaid = One black Peter storm XLarge waterproof jacket

Andy Mac
Hi All,

I put my black Peter Storm waterproof jacket in Sallyport's bow this morning and still being totally stoned on wood smoke, I have forgotten whether I took it out of the boat or not.

If I did it may have blown off the wall into the garden to the front of Mike's place, or be on the ground where we were all sitting today?

Other than that, it could still be in the bow of the boat.

If anybody sees it could they please grab it and pop it in the garage for me and message me?

Many thanks,
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Re: Forgotten / mislaid = One black Peter storm XLarge waterproof jacket

Hi Andy, I put it in the garage. Christine
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Re: Forgotten / mislaid = One black Peter storm XLarge waterproof jacket

Andy Mac
Many thanks Christine.