Fwd: GRR 2015 Pics

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Fwd: GRR 2015 Pics

Mike Gilbert
Sally port is here..
Mike Gilbert
Langstone Adventure Rowing

+ 44 (0) 7767 350 512
+ 44 (0) 2392 451 846

"Only the guy who isn't rowing has time to rock the boat." Jean-Paul Sartre

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Holliday Victoria (NHS SOUTH EASTERN HAMPSHIRE CCG) <[hidden email]>
Date: 14 September 2015 at 12:12
Subject: Fwd: GRR 2015 Pics
To: Mike Gilbert <[hidden email]>

Sent from my iPad

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From: "Tom Green" <[hidden email]>
To: "[hidden email]" <[hidden email]>
Cc: "Victoria Holliday" <[hidden email]>, "Holliday Victoria (NHS SOUTH EASTERN HAMPSHIRE CCG)" <[hidden email]>
Subject: GRR 2015 Pics


A couple of pics from Westminster for your interest?
Please share as you wish!

Tom Green
(CRAB - Blakeney)


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Re: Fwd: GRR 2015 Pics

Chris Partridge
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Re: Fwd: GRR 2015 Pics

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Mike Gilbert
Great pics
Many thanks for that Mike