Graet river race 2016

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Graet river race 2016

Richard Harrison
Don't forget that I need to receive your GRR entry by Friday 29th April if you want to enter at the reduced rate and in the boat of your preference.  We will be putting teams together and entries received after this date will be at the normal rate and you may not get the team of your choice/preferred boat or category etc.
So please can you send me your entries in the 9 days!!
PS if you need another entry form do let me know
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Re: Graet river race 2016


Hi Richard,

              I would like to do the race in a Galley please, however I've lost the email with the entry form so could you send me another one please?


On 20 April 2016 at 12:54 "Richard Harrison [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:

Don't forget that I need to receive your GRR entry by Friday 29th April if you want to enter at the reduced rate and in the boat of your preference.  We will be putting teams together and entries received after this date will be at the normal rate and you may not get the team of your choice/preferred boat or category etc.
So please can you send me your entries in the 9 days!!
PS if you need another entry form do let me know

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Re: Graet river race 2016

In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Please could you email me an entry form. many thanks, Jane (
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Re: Graet river race 2016

Tina Way
Banned User
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Can you please send me an entry form.

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Re: Graet river race 2016

Richard Harrison
Hi Tina
I need your email address
or email me at and I will send one over
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Re: Graet river race 2016

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Richard Harrison
Hi Richard,
Sorry for the delay in getting my form back to you. I'll bring it with me to the open day, today.