Great River Race crews 2024 - one more rower needed

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Great River Race crews 2024 - one more rower needed

This post was updated on .
Hi all,
        Here are our Great River Race crews for 2024.

Colin McPhee- captain
Matt O'Neill
Martin Shepherdly
Mark Taylor
Rich Beardsall
Vernon Seddon

Sweare Deep
Clare Tomlinson -captain
Heather Green
Jo Kingsbury
Jo Beardsall
Caroline McPhee
Liz Walmsley

Langstone Lady
Michael Brown -  captain
Tom Bennett
Mike Lowery
Lelsey Kent
Marilyn Rogers
Joan Saywood

Lesley  Grainger - captain
Josie Cleeve
Jackie Harper
Peter Loveridge
Chris Waterworth

Keith Young -captain
Charlie Bracher
Guy Spindler
Lg Godfrey-Faussett
Johnny  Seal
Johnny Glover

This crew are experienced rowers who want to do the GRR together. Keith has asked to use Mabel and since six people dropped out after we had paid the entry fee this arrangement is very helpful to the Cutters too. They are all joining the club and will row as Cutters members. They will be training in Mabel on 22nd June, 18th Aug and 14th Sept.

If you have any questions about the crews please email me at


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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

Tks Rachel. Training dates slightly different for my team and label
13th July
18th Aug
14th Sept

So 22nd June Mabel is not being used.


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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

In reply to this post by Rachel
Dear Rachel
Please could you keep me in mind if someone drops out that I could replace
Many thanks
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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

In reply to this post by Rachel
Sorry Rachel
Dates mixed I will be racing in loch Ness on that date thank you
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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

This post was updated on .
Yes we are Shanaz  
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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

In reply to this post by Rachel
We now have a space in Sallyport
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Re: Great River Race crews 2024

Jackie Harper
I popped a repky in your other post today Rachel...