Great open row today!

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Great open row today!

Really great today to see so many members, some old, some new, some of us getting on a bit, some so very young, all entertaining and encouraging first timers, second timers and those perched outside the Royal Oak.

It was just the sort of session that attracted me to the club in the first place😎

Not to forget our intrepid touring Claydon crew taking on the whole of Essex (and beyond) in a daring dash to the end of Southend Pier!

Hope to see you all on the water soon.

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Re: Great open row today!

Paul Bennett
Very good to hear from you - I hope the back is being reasonably resilient. I was thrashing around in a dinghy this afternoon but glad to hear that the Cutters were making the most of the weather. 
On the kind prompt about the World Champs in Ireland, I have wrestled with this over the last few days, but fear that I don't think I can commit only to find that I am unable to go.  Regrettably, I am not quite my own man when it comes to diaries at the moment - that is the Royal Navy rather then my wife!!
I would like to chat about the arrangements when we next meet - I hope that we will be able to get out as a crew next weekend?


On 2 August 2015 at 15:52, Timp [via Langstone Cutters RC] <[hidden email]> wrote:
Really great today to see so many members, some old, some new, some of us getting on a bit, some so very young, all entertaining and encouraging first timers, second timers and those perched outside the Royal Oak.

It was just the sort of session that attracted me to the club in the first place😎

Not to forget our intrepid touring Claydon crew taking on the whole of Essex (and beyond) in a daring dash to the end of Southend Pier!

Hope to see you all on the water soon.


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Re: Great open row today!

In reply to this post by Timp
Today was great.

After such a long break away from rowing so entirely I loved being Beachmaster - thank you to my two stand in duty rowers Nigel and Tim and to everyone who was in such good spirits today.

Loved being back in a boat after so long and finding that I'm not wobbly and I haven't forgotten how to coach. Next time I'll sit in a rowing seat.

Shel x
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Re: Great open row today!

Andrew B
That's brilliant news and thanks for doing my duty !! Glad you enjoyed it . xxxx A & D
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Re: Great open row today!

Absolute pleasure Andrew. I hadn't been given a beachmaster day on this quarter's rota so was very glad to take over yours. 😀