Hamble Pictures

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Hamble Pictures

Chris Partridge
Annika+Claudia and Molly+Ayesha at the start.

Annika and Claudia won Bernie's Bollard in the Classics and Spirit of Tradition class for the second year.

Bembridge won the Hamble Key for fastest Solent galley.
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Re: Hamble Pictures

Mike Gilbert

Excellent... Well done everyone...

On 22 May 2016 9:10 am, "Chris Partridge [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Annika+Claudia and Molly+Ayesha at the start.

Annika and Claudia won Bernie's Bollard in the Classics and Spirit of Tradition class for the second year.

Bembridge won the Hamble Key for fastest Solent galley.

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