Hot Yoga Offer..

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Hot Yoga Offer..

Mike Gilbert
As you all know I recommend rowers work at 3 kinds of fitness:
1: cardiovascular/vascular for endurance; 2: muscle tissue strength for power and 3: core flexibility using yoga or pilates for resilience.

Those working with me on Rowfit programmes, or with Shelley's Scilly Fit are doing this. In addition I have been looking at expanding what else we can offer. LANO Yoga (Looking After Number One) in Chichester are offering us a Vikram hot yoga class for beginners on Sunday 22nd November at 2.30-3.30 for just £5. The room is hot - you sweat!!

They are at 2nd floor 1 Old Market Avenue Chichester.

We need 20 people to get this offer so please let me know if your interested.

It's good for men and women - and even  I can do most of it and find it really beneficial. Let me know...
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Re: Hot Yoga Offer..

Annika and I would love it can we come?
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Re: Hot Yoga Offer..

Mike Gilbert

Absolutely! What fun..

On 13 Nov 2015 5:10 pm, "Katy [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Annika and I would love it can we come?

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