How to join the Forum

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How to join the Forum

Chris Partridge
To join the forum, first press ‘register’ at the top right hand corner of the screen. Fill in your desired user name (preferably your real first name and surname) and choose a suitable password.
Once you are registered, you need to send me an email, preferably using the link on the screen, to prove you are not a Russian bot or something. Then I will promote you to ‘member’ so you can post on the forum.
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Re: How to join the Forum

Pam P
Hello Chris,
I’m with Rob Lineham , he is registered on the forum, but not getting emails etc. does he need to do something else please ?  I didn’t when I joined.

Thanks Pam
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len buckle
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Chris why am i getting all postings on my email len
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Re: How to join the Forum

Colin McPhee
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge

Please how do I change my email address to on the Forum please
