How to post photos on the forum

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How to post photos on the forum

Chris Partridge
Posting images in the forum is fiddly but worthwhile. Here's how:

1) Prepare your photos. Just straightening and cropping your photos is easy to do and will improve them enormously with little effort. As you do this, ensure your photos are oriented the right way by using the 'rotate' button in the 'crop' edit. This will ensure the photos are the right way up on the forum.

2) Press the 'insert image' button. A box will appear. Press 'choose file' and navigate through to your image. Click on the image to select it - after a moment the file number should appear in the box.

3) In the 'float' column, select 'Left'.

4) In the 'resize' column, select 'Big size'.

5) At the bottom of the box, press 'Insert Image'. After a few moments, it should appear.