Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

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Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

Peter L
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Re: Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

Chris Partridge
High tide is 1700. The weather forecast isn't fabulous but not dire either. We could meet at 1500 for a thrash down the harbour followed by a quick beer in the Royal Oak.
Anyone else interested?
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Re: Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

I'm on midweek row duty this week but looking at my work commitments and the tides I don't think I can put together a formal outing.

If anyone on the midweek rota can do something this week I can swap duties?

Otherwise please take the opportunity to join Peter and Chris tomorrow at 5pm.

Shel x
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Re: Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

In reply to this post by Peter L
Going walking will come round if we are back, but don't wait.
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Re: Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

Peter L
Sadly rowing won't fit in with what rest of my family want to do. Will have to withdraw my 'expression of interest'. Sorry.
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Re: Is there rowing tomorrow Mon 21st?

Chris Partridge
What a pity. I will go out anyway if anyone wants to come along.