I am aware that on the day of Round Hayling, you gave me a size L cotton Polo Shirt. I tried it on but when I started to row, it was too tight around my arms, so I placed it in my bag and reverted to using my existing
tee shirt.
Can I return and get a size XL, which is what I thought I needed. Also, if possible, if the polo comes in a wicking material rather than cotton I would prefer, but can we have a chat before you place any order.
From: Dee [via Langstone Cutters RC] <ml+[hidden email]>
Sent: 18 June 2018 15:09
To: Mark Taylor
Subject: Kit payments
For those who bought kit yesterday and didn't pay cash , can you please pay by Bacs and text me when payed .
Kit payments. For those who bought kit yesterday and didn't pay cash , can you please pay by Bacs and text me when payed . Thanks Dee
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299