Hi All interested Ladies.
I have been thinking about rowing around the Isle of Wight, to raise money for the Melon charity we are supporting this year and also to see if we can improve the time of the ladies challenge, which is currently 9.46.07 hours.
This is a very tough endurance row, with no let up on effort and rowing through tricky tidal waters. In short exhausting!
We are looking at a day of the weekend 13-16th July 2018 to attempt this challenge.
So if you are interested, you have to be a participating member of the cutters. We will be doing it in a galley. If there are more ladies than we can accommodate, the committee will select the strongest rowers to participate in this challenge, once training has begun.
Once I have names I along with Rachel will plan the training, this will include some long rows before, to get ready. But your general fitness and endurance will be your responsibility.
The main importance will be to raise money to support the Melon charity and have fun with any rowing that we do in the preparation time and to stay fit and safe.
Thanks sign below and I will presently contact you when names are in. Any questions please free to ask me.