Lost Life jacket at sea today.

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Lost Life jacket at sea today.

Lesley Grainger
Hi all,
Brenda from CRAC has asked me to post this. She has lost her life jacket over board without realising today whilst out rowing. It's a navy Blue Wave with a metal clasp and self inflating. If anyone sees it whilst out on the water she didn't want anyone to think there was a person out at sea.
Lesley x
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Re: Lost Life jacket at sea today.

Did anyone tell the Harbour and/or Solent coastguard? Just a thought.
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Re: Lost Life jacket at sea today.

Lesley Grainger
Thanks Anne, I have told her to do that
Lesley x
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Re: Lost Life jacket at sea today.

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Lesley Grainger
Life jacket was found by the gig club so will be reunited with its owner.