Lottie gate pin breaks

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Lottie gate pin breaks

Chris Partridge
Well, now one of Lottie's gate pins has broken, in a very similar way to Milly's with a long-standing stress fracture where the pin is held at the gunwale. It came off as I was turning at Emsworth today.
This means that both Teifis are effectively single scullers until they can be repaired.
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Re: Lottie gate pin breaks

....as I said after last weekend..."It's a stress fracture enhanced by low oxygen levels (post was wrapped in braided pvc hose). At failure only ca 25% of post was unfractured. From corrosion state of (stress pre-)fractured part it appears fracture had been propagating for many weeks (if not months). Suggest all other posts are investigated for signs of fracture initiation."
