Men's Vest, free to good home

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Men's Vest, free to good home

After a clear out,  we've found an unworn Cutters royal blue men's Vest size XL, measures 42".
If anyone would find it useful, please post.  It wig cost £19 today new
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Re: Men's Vest, free to good home

Chris Waterworth
Hi Frances, yes I would be interested, don’t think I want the wig though!
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Re: Men's Vest, free to good home

Oops, silly spelling!!
It's yours Chris,  I'll bring it along next time we're on the same row.
I see you're on the Round Hayling tomorrow.  I'll bring it along in the morning,  I'll be there about 09.30.
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Re: Men's Vest, free to good home

Chris Waterworth
Thanks Frances, see you there 😊