Mid Week Row

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Mid Week Row

Mark Taylor
I am tasked with organising this week's mid week row. The tides are not very kind to us in the early part of the week being HW being 17:40 on Monday but by Friday, we have a 09:42 HW. However, I am only around on Monday and Tuesday of this week,  would any one be willing to take on responsibility for organising a row for Friday, subject to weather?
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Re: Mid Week Row

Looking at the tides , it's an early start which doesn't suit me because of Tess . Sorry I can't help on this occasion Mark.
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Re: Mid Week Row

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Mark Taylor
Hi Mark

I would like to row mid week and will happily take this one on.

It wil be an 08.30 kick off.

I will pop your name down for an April mid week row.

I dont put you down for Saturday rows as i am aware that you and Frances are pretty busy most weekends.

Are either of you available to organise a Saturday row or two?

Cheers, Best