Mid week row 23-27th

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Mid week row 23-27th

I am down to do the mid week row, but am either working or away from Tuesday afternoon. Dee Pullen has offered to take it on. Looking at the weather it's a mixture of cloud, sun and infrequent showers with light winds any where from the north, south or  east!
So any day is do able, if you pick Wednesday the start time would be about 1pm on a 4.5 tide, so reasonable water.
So Dee will guide you somewhere, post below availability and watch for which day.
Hope I haven't just caused total chaos and confusion with that information.
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Geoff 1/-
I prefer Wednesday. But I could do other days. Geoff
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Christine
Thank you Christine .Its been suggested that we have a picnic,  open to help on this idea with where  the best place to land etc.
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Andy Mac
Forecast for Tuesday is pretty good. There is permitted landing near the tip of one of the islands in Langstone harbour.
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

I'm busy on Tuesday, Andy , but I'm more than happy if you would like to cover this row for Tuesday ?
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Geoff 1/-
In reply to this post by Andy Mac
There is a landing place on Long Island but it's not much of a row. Geoff
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Andy Mac
Thanks Geoff, I had forgotten the name of it and as you say it it's not much of a row.

Geoff's game for wednesday Dee, and he knows these harbours backwards, unlike me.

Given that, I would go for the day of your choosing Dee and seek Geoff's guidance and assistance.

Wednesday is good for Geoff and that makes for a guaranteed good one Dee.

At the moment wednesday is busy for me work wise, but juggling is possible.


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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Hello.. is there any space for a newbie to join? Haven't got the hang of feathering oars yet, but keen to try! I'm not free on Wednesday or Thursday unfortunately, but could join on Tuesday.  Not yet sure how the forum works either, but if someone could put up which day you've decided and whether you have any room that would be great! If it doesn't work out this week, maybe I could come on a different trip...Andy, are you doing the Saturday excursion? Thanks and let me know. Loving the rowing!  Jo
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Christine
With help kindly given from Geoff on where to land for our picnic , the row this week will be on Thursday as its high tide at 4.4 with south wind direction , lovely sunshine and no rain ! . I suggest we meet at 1.45 at the boat park to unload the boats and zoom off somewhere along the harbour before we head for Long Island to munch our picnics .   

PS I don't know how to move this post to the top,of the page! ...duh 😊
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

ron and cheryl
Hi Dee, Ron and Cheryl for this please ~ Cheers
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Barry Scott
In reply to this post by Dee
Yes Dee - please include me in. Not sure about the picnic; should it not be afternoon tea?

Thanks Barry
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

With Prosecco Barry ? 🍾
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Christine
i can do thursday see you then
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Christine
Steve and I are good for Thursday. Julia
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Christine
Me too please Dee :-)
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

Les Goodall
In reply to this post by Dee
Hi Dee.
Love to join you for a prosecco row on Thursday.
🌊🚣🌊 🍾 🍸 ........ Les .......
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Dee
Yes please Jenny
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Christine
Well, I was looking forward to this until I saw that it has moved to Thursday! Pity - have a lovely time! Marion x
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Dee
Hi Dee yes please for me as well, however I am on call till one, hope my prays will be heard and I will come out of surgery on time without any HV or busy day,
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Re: Mid week row 23-27th

In reply to this post by Dee
why prosecco , anyone's birthday ? shall bring a bottle as well ?