This post was updated on .
Rowing this week is looking a difficult week due to the weather.
The BBC is suggesting there may be a window on Wednesday, however the Met Office does not agree. Also, I can't do Wednesday - so if anybody, who is able and capable can find a window on Wednesday nearer the time, then go for it!
According to the BBC Friday should be possible so a Valentine Days row could be on, again the Met Office disagrees.
So if someone looks for a Wednesday window and makes a call that his good with me.
Otherwise I will watch for a row on Friday at 1.15pm - watch this space!
I have just checkoff the Met Office forecast:
Wednesday PM wind force 5 gusting 7.
Friday PM wind force 5 gusting 8.
It doesn't look like we can row this week, sorry - and just to 'rub salt inTO the wound' Storm Dennis is coming this weekend.
Overnight the Met Office has significantly changed its forecast for Wednesday, it now reads:
Wednesday PM Wind force 3 gusting 5.
If somebody would like to organise then a row should be OK!