Moonlight row & International Space Station viewing info

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Moonlight row & International Space Station viewing info

Andy Mac
Hi Guys

Thanks once more to Chris P for a Super evening and a lovely row.

The web site which i used for the info on the ISS is excellent for any night sky viewing.

This link will take you to the ISS schedule for October 2016 and there are several very good viewing opportunities over the next few days.

and the very excellent web site is

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Re: Moonlight row & International Space Station viewing info

Jonathan R

Thank you for the web site and the evening row. My first glimpse of the space station and I have now visited and book marked the Web site. Alcohol intervened and I forgot the Thursday evening viewing.

Thank you also for the Claydon row on Saturday.  I recognise the circumstances of crew strengths weather etc and am very happy to be told in advance or on reporting that a Claydon is not possible today. I would then help launch but step aside and remain ashore.
