Mountain hath moveth! Boat Park update TRIP and FALL hazard

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Mountain hath moveth! Boat Park update TRIP and FALL hazard

Steve Woods

Well done cutters,  great job grafters. Soil/spoil sifting completed. Seed to be sown and final dressing to be applied next few days,  please liaise with Nigel and let's finish and complete the task.

Please note there is now a cordoned off area utilising wooden steaks and rope please take care.

The tyfies x2 are to be stored to the right of the gate. The Galleys in a row on the right, please take care of all the existing trees and their branches.


Steve Woods
07876 889 887
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Re: Mountain hath moveth! Boat Park update TRIP and FALL hazard

Parallel on right hand side of grassTeifis parked parallel with bows towards "Box Tree"