Moving of Kittiwake

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Moving of Kittiwake

ron and cheryl
Cheryl and I are moving Kittiwake out to Marilyn's at low tide (around 15:30) on Thursday to comply with the undertaking in the usage agreement to vacate the boat park once a year. If Kittiwake can be kept clear so that we can move her it will be much appreciated, thanks. Can someone please advise when we can return her as we are due to go on holiday very early Monday and need to plan time. Cheryl and I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Cutters the very very best for the GRR. COME ON THE CUTTERS!!!!
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Re: Moving of Kittiwake

If you are pushed for time, Ron, then I'm happy to retrieve Kittiwake early next week and put it back on the plot.
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Re: Moving of Kittiwake

ron and cheryl
Nigel, you are a diamond!!!! Yes please and many many thanks for your offer to return Kittiwake. It takes a huge pressure off us as we are up against it getting things ready plus it is our Grandaughter's birthday Sunday. Thanks again ~ Ron and Cheryl