Netley Regatta CANCELLED

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Netley Regatta CANCELLED

Chris Partridge
Sad news from Netley:

Dear Chris,
I am afraid we have cancelled Netley Regatta for this year, due to circumstances beyond our control. This was not a decision we took lightly, and I was bitterly disappointed. This decision has only just been taken, but thought it best now rather than leaving it to the last minute.
In the past couple of years the event has started to grow, and I have always thought that Netley was a good venue. We were starting to attract various clubs from further afield. I am working on various locals to see if it could be possible to set up a gig club here on Southampton Water.
I hope the decision to cancel has not inconvenienced yourselves at Langstone Cutters too much, and I hope to see you all next year. We are already penciling in the date of Saturday 18th June. This will be confirmed ASAP.
Kind Regards
Kevin Earl