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Netley Regatta Crews

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Netley Regatta Crews

Chris Partridge
Here are the crews for Netley Regatta...have I included everyone? Please say if you are unhappy with your selection - I am aware some people might not want to take part in every race.

1 mile Dash and Ladies Race (not sure if this is two races or just a Ladies race but we can always change on the day to suit)
Boat 1 - Rachel, Kate, Jane, Claudia. Cox: Julia
Boat 2 - Alison, Dee, Cheryl, Lesley. Cox: Ron
Boat 3 - Andy, Matt, Steve W, Geoff. Cox: Steve Rooke

Netley Cup (4 miles)
Boat 1 - Phil Polwin, Chris Penfold, Steve Rooke, Me. Cox: Claudia
Boat 2 - Julia, Kate, Jane, Alison. Cox: Rachel.
Boat 3 - Steve W, Matt, Dee, Lesley. Cox: Geoff.

Chrichton Cup (1 mile)
Boat 1 - Steve Woods, Me, Kate, Rachel. Cox: Claudia
Boat 2 - Steve Rooke, Chris Penfold, Alison, Jane. Cox: Julia
Boat 3 - Ron, Cheryl, Phil P, Geoff. Cox: Andy

There is also a fun row using anything but oars, which the giggers successfully raced using garden spades. Anyone want to do it? Bring your own spade...
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

Andy Mac
Hi Chris

In the unlikely event of anyone not be available for the 4 mile Netley cup race, I would love a row in that one please Chris. If not, all good and hoping for some decent weather.
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
The itinerary for Saturday is:
08.00 Meet at the boat park.
09.00 Depart for Netley.
10.30 Race Briefing.
1100 – First Race of Regatta: 0.25M Sprint from Hard
1130 – Race 2: 1.0M Dash and Ladies Race
1230 – Race 3: Fun Run – Propulsion by means other than oars
1230 – Raft Race 1: Number of races will depend on how many entries
1300 – Race 4: Netley Cup 4 Miles
1430 – Race 5: Crichton Shield 1 Mile
1530 – Race 6: Egg and Spoon Race
1630 – Regatta Prize Giving and ToW prize giving

So we should be back at about 18.00 for a quick one in the Royal Oak...
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Hi Chris, looks good and I look forward to it. I'm happy to row in all 3 races should anyone need to drop out of the last one.....and have spade, will travel!!
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Me too for all three races if anybody drops out Chris , thank you looking forward to it .
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

Lesley Kent-Brown
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Looking forward to it Chris! Lesley
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Re: Netley Regatta Crews

Andy Mac
Address and note from Netley Reg website;

Cricket Field nr. Abbey Hall, Victoria Road, Netley Abbey, SO31 5FA

Note: Boat and trailer access and parking via Beach Lane