The plan on Sunday open rows is to be able to have people came and try rowing with us from the start time up to high water time. After high water, training teams can use a boat to go and train. Or if club members want to go for a longer row than round the Saltings island, then the boats are released to do so. Pin money will be collected for the longer rows, but not the open row as you are serving your club here. We would like you to participate in the open row part as much as possible and not just turn up for the training row. This is a chance to warm up and practise your coxing and boat handling skills.
Posting boat usage on the forum is required and this can be on the Sunday open row post. This way we are making more of the Sunday water availability.
If new people come at high water and you are happy to continue rowing with them fantastic too.
Hopefully that is clear, any questions, comments please post below.
Thanks Christine