Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

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Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

Chris Partridge
Northney Marina are having an open day on Saturday from 10.00 to 14.00. It would be great if we could have a presence there, especially as only one pilot gig will be available.
If we take a galley out for the Saturday row we could take her over to the Marina and demonstrate her during the day. At the end I will get the trailer from the Mill and take her back.
Is anyone available during the day? Rowers from the gig club may be willing to take her out when they return from their training runs.
Who could manage a demo row at, say, 11.00, 12.00 or 13,00?
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Re: Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

sue martin
Well that would follow on nicely from our 8am row if Christine decides to go ahead. I can be around for a while afterwards.
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Re: Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

Yes I'll turn up. I know how you love the water! We have a teifi at least. If anyone else decides to come tomorrow that's good. We will see how much precipitation there is and decide tomorrow.  Having just seen the forecast it could have a little dry period at our row time.
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Re: Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

Chris Partridge
The forecast looks a bit more encouraging. See you there - though it doesn't look as if we will be able to get a galley out for the Marina open day, which is a pity. Anybody else coming?
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Re: Northney Marina Open Day Saturday 26th

No one else signed up at the moment, maybe we will have some late comers!?