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On the TV ?

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On the TV ?

Andrew B
755 posts
Someone in my road has complained that some bloke was rowing around near the mill - on BBC1 last night. I imagine it was Chris P's long awaited film debut ? Is it on you tube  - does anyone know. Something about floating Sherman tanks by which I think we mean 'duplex drives'.
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Re: On the TV ?

Andrew B
755 posts
Ah...I remember now. It was The Science of D-Day. Kittiwake was used to illustrate the sort of boat the troops used at Gallipoli (except being much much bigger, of course). Surprisingly, the presenter could actually row. Feathering and everything. He was a nice guy.
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Re: On the TV ?

Andrew B
755 posts
and here we have it.....


For those who want to get to the action , start at 13.16 and maybe stop at 14.12

The Gallipoli film was made well after the actual event, and also shows steam picket boats in use, the only survivor of which I am a crew member of at the Dockyard, she is still steamed regularly, and new volunteers are always welcome.