Open Rowing Sunday at 16.30

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Open Rowing Sunday at 16.30

Chris Partridge
As Gladys is not going out training on Sunday and we have had quite a few keen newbies turning up recently, I have scheduled an open rowing session for 16.30. We will probably use the Teifis as I suspect most of the other boats will be doing last minute training. Everyone who isn't training will be very welcome.
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Re: Open Rowing Sunday at 16.30

....and Sallyport should be free to use, as "the team" aren't all available.
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Re: Open Rowing Sunday at 16.30

Andy Mac
In reply to this post by Chris Partridge
Hi Chris,

Of the Sallyport crew, only Nigel and Teri are available to row on Sunday.
Apologies for the late reply.
Just got back from a show in Brighton.
Five of us are out at 6pm Monday evening for final Sallyport training.
It has been great rowing with newcomers this past few open rows, which has taken me back six months and reminds me of all of the guidance, help, support and input that you and fellow club members have given me.

I will do my very best to attend.