Open row CANCELLED Sunday 29th Jan

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Open row CANCELLED Sunday 29th Jan

Due to the forecast now predicting rain all morning with up to force 5 gusts. Open row this morning is cancelled.
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Re: Open row CANCELLED Sunday 29th Jan

Jonathan R
Hi Jenny

Thank you for posting.

As you were in the act of posting I was in telephone conversation with Christine as to how you could be contacted.

I am also suggested that maybe those doing duty should have each others or members telephone numbers to enable contact.  The membership form covers this.

I have telephoned Andy Mac and let him know. He was going to drop by to help out.

Jonathan;     from a rainy but calm Emsworth.
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Re: Open row CANCELLED Sunday 29th Jan

Andrew B
I would also maybe think its a good idea to see if there's anyone local who can take a look out of their window.
A forecast is a forecast,not an actual, and in the summer is usually pessimistic on purpose to keep yachtmen safe.... Cambermet is an actual,but way out of the area we normally row in. Chimet is irrelevant unless its round the Island day.
Having just got back from walking the dogs I can confirm its dry, if gloomy, and there's hardly any wind. F2 maybe ?

With a southerly the island ( Hayling ) creates a vast wind shadow....several people live in the High St, several at Emsworth, and I'm at Northney...

Don't post phone numbers on this forum as its public.

Best wishes, Andrew