Organising entry to events in future

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Organising entry to events in future

Hi all,
       Now that rowing in the 3 Harbours is really taking off there are far more events in the calendar than there used to be. There are also opportunities to row further afield with trips like Morbihan and Norfolk, Ocean to City and more we have not yet even tried. All this is excellent news for a club like ours with so many keen and adventurous members.
I think it would be a good time to get more people involved in organising our entries to these events. Firstly its a lot of work for one person but more importantly it would be better if the person taking the lead for an event was taking part in it. It would also mean that if someone is enthusiastic about a particular event they can help to encourage club members to take part. I'm happy to be the main point of contact for other clubs to let us know about events and to post events on our forum but it would be great if we could share organising crews, towers, times and keeping everyone updated. What I'm looking for is a list of volunteers I can turn to when an event comes up to ask someone to take the lead. I'm really happy to help in any way while people get the hang of what needs doing so please don't hold back. We have been successfully organising our mid week and weekend rows in this way for a long time so I'm sure it can work.
If you think you might be happy to volunteer to be on my list of people I can call on for help please email me at

Thank you!