Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

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Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

Afterr two years of vigilance  in spring and winter I have finally seen an Osprey over Chichester Harbour.

At about 6.30pm on Wednesday 2nd Sept whilst out Gigging we were blessed with a vision. iIt took off from Thorney Island and flew towards Emsworth before disappearing inland.

The interesting thing was that this was not a feathered bird but a Bell Boeing V 22 Osprey, do look it up , which is a helicopter/plane capable of vertical take off before the rotors slide forwards to take on.a conventional plane shape.

I am not sure wether the bird or the plane is the most unusual harbour sighting😎
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

Mike Gilbert

I saw it too..  Bloody noisy seabird!

On 3 Sep 2015 4:57 pm, "Timp [via Langstone Cutters RC]" <[hidden email]> wrote:
Afterr two years of vigilance  in spring and winter I have finally seen an Osprey over Chichester Harbour.

At about 6.30pm on Wednesday 2nd Sept nihilist out Gigging we were blessed with a vision. iIt took off from Thorney Island and flew towards Emsworth before disappearing inland.

The interesting thing was that this was not a feathered bird but a Bell Boeing V 22 Osprey, do look it up , which is a helicopter/plane capable of vertical take off before the rotors slide forwards to take on.a conventional plane shape.

I am not sure wether the bird or the plane is the most unusual harbour sighting😎

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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

Chris Partridge
In reply to this post by Timp
It circled Fishbourne for a while. I hope Cameron isn't thinking of buying any with our money - they cost $100 million each and are completely useless.
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

Mike Gilbert
Saw a Spifire again today around 5pm over Havant.

Sent from my iPad

On 3 Sep 2015, at 19:33, "Chris Partridge [via Langstone Cutters RC]"<[hidden email]> wrote:

It circled Fishbourne for a while. I hope Cameron isn't thinking of buying any with our money - they cost $100 million each and are completely useless.

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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

This post was updated on .
If you wish to know more and see a photo of the Osprey (which I also saw that evening) then try this link:


Though I think that Mike might have come across some of the related info (with his interests in the Yarmouth Gig club) esp.
"Troops and vehicles arrived on the Island overnight and throughout today with several coming into Yarmouth Harbour on a mexifloat. THE BRITISH ARMY WILL LEAVE ON WEDNESDAY 9th SEPTEMBER VIA YARMOUTH HARBOUR."

-hope the gig isn't scheduled to go in/out at the same time!!!
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

Chris Partridge
That wasn't the Army... It was the HAC, a prominent bunch of bankers.
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

BUT STILL TECHNICALLY By an Order in Council made under s29 of the Territorial and Reserves Forces Act 1907, the active element within the Company became a Regiment of the Territorial Army, also known as the Honourable Artillery Company.
   .....but they probably ARE ...a wunch of .............
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

In reply to this post by Timp
In my younger days I played Rugby against them, decent bunch, enjoyed a drink😎
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Re: Osprey sighted in Chichester Harbour

In reply to this post by Timp
I never guessed that a rowing forum could be so educational :-)