Payment for Great River Race now due

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Payment for Great River Race now due

Calling all Great River Race entrants, please could you pay your £100 to the club so that we can pay the event organisers. This covers the £75pp entry fee to the event and the towing, river towing, and congestion charges.

The bank account details are :-

Langstone Cutters Rowing Club
Sort code 40-23-20
Account   81341944
Please use reference GRR and your name

Thank you
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due
Payment made
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Lesley Grainger
In reply to this post by Rachel
Hi Rachel,
Lesley G x
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Mark Taylor
Payment made
Mark Taylor
Phone 023 9248 4492
Mobile 0777 226 3299
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Jo Beardsall
In reply to this post by Rachel
Paid for Jo and Rich Beardsall
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Liz Walmsley
In reply to this post by Rachel
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Claire Tomlinson
In reply to this post by Rachel
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Jo Kingsbury
In reply to this post by Rachel
Paid Rachel
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Dave & Josie
In reply to this post by Rachel
All paid 👍 thanks!
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

In reply to this post by Rachel
Payment for Mabel crew done in total.
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Steve Holder
In reply to this post by Rachel
Payment made. Thank you 🙂
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Phil P
In reply to this post by Rachel
paid thanks
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

In reply to this post by Rachel
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Mike Lowery
In reply to this post by Rachel
Paid GRR

Mike Lowery

Ps  the ac differs to pin money one, is that still in operation?

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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Mike Lowery
In reply to this post by Rachel
Mike L

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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

In reply to this post by Rachel
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Heather Green
In reply to this post by Rachel
All paid. With many thanks, Heather
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Chris Waterworth
In reply to this post by Rachel
Thanks Rachel, Payment made
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Matt O’Neill
In reply to this post by Rachel
Sorry for the lateness.
All paid now!
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Re: Payment for Great River Race now due

Caroline M
In reply to this post by Rachel